Friday, 28 May 2010

textual Analysis - Genre

The Rimmel London advertisement is likely to be found in beauty magazines/magazines because it is a beauty product therefore it would necessary. Also you might find it on social networking sites like MSN and facebook because most girls tend to go onto the sites more than boys. Also some girls put on their facebook status about what they have been up to and sometimes they put what they have bought, so when the advertising company on facebook sees this they will pinpoint the people that have been talking about these sorts of products and they will put beauty adverts on their home page. This is called Targeted advertising. Also there is Media Synergy would be evident if Kate Moss and the graphics were to be used on a tv campaign.

The Bernardo's advert might be found on billboards because it is quite a strong image so it will stand out to the people passing. You also might find it in magazines because it stands out and because of the boys bright blue eyes so it will make the advert stand out.
The target audience for the Rimmel London advert is clearly women. i think it is aimed at women from the age of 16 to 35. The magazines it might be in are Grazia and Glamour. This also might be found on billboards near shopping centers like the white Rose, or Meadow hall. Another obvious place to advertise this would be the Rimmel London website because it is a Rimmel London product.

The Bernardo's advert is aimed at parents or adults or people who want to help the children in need. This is because there is a little boy on the front cover pleading for someone to give him a nice, caring, loving family.
In the Rimmel London advert there is a few lines of appeal, such as;
  • Dreams and fantasy

Dream and fantasy is used to attract the audience because it could be that you dream to look like the woman on the front cover and you could want to attract the opposite sex or to look good or to look as good as she does.

  • Beautiful Women

Beautiful women is used to attract the audience because men like looking at beautiful women because they find them attractive, but also women like looking at other women because women think that if she can look good wearing that mascara then they can look good wearing it too.

  • Self-importance And Pride

Self importance and pride is used to attract the audience because she is taking care and she has pride for her eyelashes and she cares about how she looks and what other people think of how she looks.

In the Bernardo's advert there is;

  • Childhood

Childhood is used to attract the audience because it is an appeal to help poor children get a loving family to care for him/her.

  • Dream And Fantasy

Dreams and Fantasy is used to attract the audience because this little boy dreams about having someone care about him and he dreams to have a mum and dad someday. Everyday he will probably dream that someone will give him the family he wants.

In the Rimmel London advert the factors of persuasions are;

  • Reward Power

Reward power is used to attract the audience because it promises that if you buy it and wear it you will look good and you will stand out from the crowd.

  • Expert Power

Expert power is used to attract the audience because it has been advertised by an expert model. They have one this to make the mascara look professional to go with the women.

In the Bernardo's advert the factors of persuasions are;

  • Coercive Power

Coercive Power has been used to attract the audience because the child is in pain, he has no one to care for him, you can tell by his emotions and his hand gestures.

  • Reward Power

Reward Power here could be that you get a reward of a loving child or it could be that the child gets a reward of having a mum and a dad or a brother or a sister. Also the reward for the child is to be well again.

The camera angles used in the Rimmel London advert is a close up. A close up shot has been used to show the models face, this shot has been used to show what effect the product has on a persons face. The angle used in this advert is a low angle shot the model seem more powerful, this make the mascara seem more powerful too. Also a low angle shot to make the model in the advert look more powerful than she already is. Also it is as if she is looking down at the audience again to make it look like she is more powerful than the audience. The camera angle used in the Bernardo's advert is a high angle shot. A high angle shot has been used to make the boy look small and weak and that he cant do anything to help himself or to defend himself.

In the Rimmel London advert high key lighting has been used. High key lighting has been used because it attracts attention to the eyes where the mascara is. Also there is a bit of low key lighting because it provides contrast to help the eye focus on the models face. In the Bernardo's advert low key lighting has been used. Low key lighting had been used because the boys life is dull so they have made the scenery look dull to go with his life. Low key lighting had been used all over apart from his eyes. The boys eyes are bright blue. This might have been done to say that if you adopt him his life will be blue because blue is a happy colour.

In the Rimmel London advert there is many technical codes used in the advertisement. There is the company logo 'Rimmel' is at the bottom bottom of the page, also it is is bold writing. The company has out this there because the target audience then knows that the product can be trusted. The is a tag line ' Black on Black'. This is repeated to draw the audiences attention to the product. It is also used to quote the fact that it will give you long black eyelashes. There is a blurb at the bottom of the page which uses positive lexis like breakthrough, this is saying that there has been an improvement on the product before this product was brought out.

In the Bernardo's advert there is a tag-line that says " No child gets left behind". This is saying that there is always someone willing to give this child a family and if not then it will never be left behind. It is used to make you think, " what if no one does take this child home. Also there is a sentence that reads " its just poverty, he'll grow out of it". This is used to tell the audience how this child has been living all of his life. It also expresses that he wont grow out of it if you don't help him. This sentence has been juxtaposed against the background because the sentence is in white and bold and the background is pure black.

In the Rimmel London advert the typography is all the same apart from the colours. This has been used because if it was all different then it would look all over the place because there is allot of writing. Also there is some capitals used for the title 'Rimmel'Remove formatting from selection whereas all the rest of the writing is is lowercase. In the Barnardo's advert typography is different because there is some bold, some big and some small. This has been used to make the child's life seem mixed up and look like it is a mess.

In the rimmel London advert the modes of address are; Direct (Looking straight at the camera) and relaxed and casual. This has been used to engage the audience because it is as if she is looking directly at you, where ever you go. Also she looks quite relaxed because she doesn't seem to be posing much. In the Bernado's advert again the modes of address are; Direct (Looking straight at the camera) and Formal (Serious). This has been used to engage the audience by making the boy look straight at the camera so you can see the hope in his eyes, or the plead in his eyes. Also this has been made to put the boys emotions forward. It is like they have done it to make you think how the boy is feeling.

The Rimmel London advert and the Barnardo's advert are very similar because the writing is the same because there is a mixture on both of them and also on both posters the writing has been juxtaposed against the background because on the one the writing is black and the background is red and on the Bernardo's one the writing is white with the background being black and grey. Also the modes of address are the same because they are both looking directly at the camera as if they are looking at the reader. Also both of these adverts use a close up camera angle for their main image.

There is a variety of symbolic and cultural codes on the advert. I think that Kate moss looks like she is wearing a black leather jacket which is used to connote rebellion. In the background there is a mixture of black and red colours, this looks like a target board, it is used to connote that she is the center of fashion and glamour. The colour Red is a signifier and it connotes danger. This is why red has been used in the advert because it is thought to be dangerous.

The uses and grafication theory can be applied to the Rimmel London advertisement. It fits the aspect of diversion because it is wanting you to feel like you can be who you are with this mascara on, it wants you to escape from everyday life and just to relax. This product is saying that you can do these things. Personal Relationships is used in this advert because you could be like the model ( Kate Moss ) . The uses and grafication theory can be applied to the barnardos advert. It fits the aspect of diversion because this boy wants to escape from his horrid life to have a new family and a new home. Also this boy wants to be able to relax knowing that around the corner there is a family going to take him home.

Using prior knowledge of media texts, the audience may see some evidence of intertextuality in the adverts.They can be seen to drw on ideas from film posters and the films themselves. The large Capitalised typography on the Rimmel London advert reminds us of gothic cultures because it is so dark and low key lighting. In my opinion i think that it is the Same in the Barnardos advert, large typography might have been used to show how 'big' it is to him to get a loving family.

Monday, 17 May 2010


You might find the Rimmel London advertisement in beauty magazines/magazines because it is a beauty product therefore it would necessary. Also you might find it on social networking sites like MSN because most girls tend to go onto the sites more than boys.
The Barandos advert might be found on billboards because it is quite a strong image so it will stand out to the people passing. You also might find it in health magazines because it is sort of to do with health because there is an abandoned child needing a home and a family to get him back on track with his life and to keep him well and to put a shelter over his head. You might find this advert on television, in-between soaps because most parents watch soaps and this advert it aimed at adults so the will see the advert and the little scared boy and think about what he is going through.

The target audience for the Rimmel London advert is women/girls. This is because there are so many girls wearing make-up and they want to look good so this mascara is aimed at women/girls to make them look good.
The Barnados advert is aimed at parents or adult or people who want to help the children in need. This is because there is a little boy on the front cover pleading for someone to give him a mice, caring, loving family.

In the Rimmel London advert there is a few lines of appeal, such as;
  • Dreams and fantasy
Dream and fantasy is used to attract the audience because it could be that you dream to look like the woman on the front cover and you could want to attract the opposite sex or to look good or to look as good as she does.
  • Beautiful Women
Beautiful women is used to attract the audience because men like looking at beautiful women because they find them attractive, but also women like looking at other women because women think that if she can look good wearing that mascara then they can look good wearing it too.
  • Self-importance And Pride
Self importance and pride is used to attract the audience because she is taking care and she has pride for her eyelashes and she cares about how she looks and what other people think of how she looks.

In the barnados advert there is;
  • Childhood
Childhood is used to attract the audience because it is an appeal to help poor children get a loving family to care for him/her.
  • Dream And Fantasy
Dreams and Fantasy is used to attract the audience because this little boy dreams about having someone care about him and he dreams to have a mum and dad someday. Everyday he will probably dream that someone will give him the family he wants.

In the Rimmel London advert the factors of persuasions are;
  • Reward Power
Reward power is used to attract the audience because it promises that if you buy it and wear it you will look good and you will stand out from the crowd.
  • Expert Power
Expert power is used to attract the audience because it has been advertised by an expert model. They have one this to make the mascara look professional to go with the women.

In the Barnados advert the factors of persuasions are;
  • Coercive Power
Coercive Power has been used to attract the audience because the child is in pain, he has no one to care for him, you can tell by his emotions and his hand gestures.
  • Reward Power
Reward Power here could be that you get a reward of a loving child or it could be that the child gets a reward of having a mum and a dad or a brother or a sister. Also the reward for the child is to be well again.

The camera angles used in the Rimmel London advert is a low angle shot. A low angle shot has been used to make the model seem more powerful, this make the mascara seem more powerful too. Also a low angle shot has been used to show how long her eyelashes are because if you did a close up then you wouldn't be able to see the effect of the mascara.

The camera angle used in the Barnados advert is a high angle shot. A high angle shot has been used to make the boy look small and weak and that he cant do anything to help himself or to defend himself.

In the Rimmel London advert high key lighting has been used. High key lighting has been used because the red is a bright colour and it stands out from all the other colour. Also because the mascara brush is red, they have made all the red stand out. There is allot of high key lighting around the eyes because the product is mascara so the eyes have been made the focus by shinning a bright light on them.
In the Barnados advert low key lighting has been used. Low key lighting had been used because the boys life is dull so they have made the scenery look dull to go with his life. Low key lighting had been used all over apart from his eyes. The boys eyes are bright blue. This might have been done to say that if you adopt him his life will be blue because blue is a happy colour.

In the Rimmel London advert there is a tag-line that says " Black on Black". This makes the mascara seem better because when it says black on black it shows that you can put the black mascara on your black eyelashes but still get a flawless look. There is also a blurb that reads " Breakthrough eye magnifier brush". This is saying that the brush will make your eyelashes look magnified because you have the mascara on. Magnified means massive so it will make you think that your eyelashes could be massive if you buy the product.
In the Barnados advert there is a tag-line that says " No child gets left behind". This is saying that there is always someone willing to give this child a family and if not then it will never be left behind. It is used to make you think, " what if no one does take this child home. Also there is a sentence that reads " its just poverty, he'll grow out of it". This is used to tell the audience how this child has been living all of his life. It also expresses that he wont grow out of it if you don't help him. This sentence has been juxtaposed against the background because the sentence is in white and bold and the background is pure black.

In the Rimmel London advert the typography is all the same apart from the colours. This has been used because if it was all different then it would look all over the place because there is alot of writing.

In the barnados advert the typography is different because there is some bold, some small and some big. This has been used to make the childs life seem mixed up and it will make the childs life seem a mess.

In the Rimmel London advert the modes of address are; looking straight at the audience (direct) and relaxed and casual. This has been used to engage the audience because it is as if she is always looking at you. Also she looks quite relaxed because she doesnt seem to be putting on a pose much.

In the Barnados advert the modes of address are; Looking straight at the audience (Direct) and serious (Formal). This has been used to engage the audience by making the boy look straight at the camera because you can see the hope in his eyes. Also this has been used to show the boys emotions.

The Rimmel London advert is very similar to the Barnados advert because in both adverts, both people are looking directly at the camera. Also they use the same

Monday, 30 November 2009

Planning for production

Primary Research

Do you like to see celebrities endorsing products?

This graph shows that most people like to see celebrities endorsing products.

What is your favourite genre of advertising?

This graph shows that comedy was the most popular genre in our class. This will help because in our advert that we are going to make we could make it a comedy advert.

Do you like to see adverts that have a narrative?

This graph shows that most people don't like to see adverts that have a narrative. This means that in our advert we wont have a narrative because people don't like seeing them in adverts.

Do you think taglines or slogans are important in TV Advertising?

In this graph we found out that everyone we asked did think it was important to have a tagline or a slogan in an advertisement. In my advert i think i am going to add a tagline or a slogan because everyone who we asked liked to see a narative in an advert.

What is your favourite TV advert at the moment?

This graph shows that compare the market, SMA, and Dell were most liked by the people asked. Also i have noticed that the most liked adverts are all comedy adverts.

1) What type of characters do you like to see in adverts?
2) Do you prefer adverts with a narative? Why?
3) Why do you like to see celebrities in adverts?
4) Which adverts have caugt your eye in the past? Why?
5) What music do you like to hear in adverts?
6) What is your favourite genres? Why?

Rosie Rhodes:
1) I like to see animals in adverts
2) Yes, it makes them longer and more interesting.
3) It makes the product seem better, like they use it.
4) Cadbury and Dairy milk because i like to see animals in adverts.
5) New music. as it can make the advertisement better and sound happier.
6) Comedy becuase you are more likely to remember them.

Lauren Adkin:
1) Celebrities because they make you think that if they can use it then i can.
2) No because i then find the voice annoying and the advert boring.
3) Yes because their using the product then it abviously works.
4) The emmerdale advet with Charity Dingle in it because its interesting because it leaves you on a cliff hanger.
5) New stuff especially JLS because there so talented.
6) ?????

Secondary Research

Honda Advert
Honda Advert-
The lines of appeal that are apparent in the advert are Dreams and Fantasy , i know this because the man dreams of becoming a racing driver. I also now this because the music bed that is used , uses the word dream . Another line of appeal is Nature & the natural world the sound of the birds and also the location they have been shot in are all rural, this also send a message that man being at one with the world, the factors of persuasion are apparent in the advert is reward power because they are saying that if you buy a Honda you van for fill your dreams.The advert is aimed at explores and the target audience is middle aged men or men in general.

Dell Advert-
The lines of appeal in this advert are Comedy and humor i know this as the advert show the computer being separated by tennis rackets and it looking like paint and then being stamped flat by elephant feet , i don't really think that how they make laptops! the factors of persuasion in this advert is reward power i know this as it says at the end of the advert "with intelligent retail prices dell your is here " this says if you don't own a dell laptop you are not intelligent and also in the music bed the song lolly pop it say man i haven't got a chance so they are also saying that if you own a dell laptop you have a chance at anything. The Advert is aimed at aspires and the target audience is young adults age from 15-25 and also aimed at both men and women , as men feature in the advert and they also show both a pink and a blue laptop these colours are a typical stereotype of the colours both men and women like .

Mind Map


proposal 1
A year 7 student dreaming about her time at disneyland when she was younger. The music bed is going to be the disney parade song and we are also going to have a voice over saying "Everychilds dream comes true" and we are going to have a slogan which says "Let the magic never end at disneyland". We are going to use a variety of camera angles and camera shots such as, pan up, close ups and extreme close ups. We are also going to use the Green screen technology. We will use this to show the girls dreaming about her time at disneyland.

Proposal 2
For my T.V advert i am going to be interviewing a year 7 students and we are going to ask them what they thought about disneyland and what they think they thought that was the best part of their holiday. Then we are going to be showing a video of disneyland then at the end we will be playing the disney theme tune.

I have chosen Proposal 1 as my idea. I believe my advert has following lines appeal, Dreams and Fantasy, Childhood, this can appeal to either nataglia or to nuturing instincts. It has these lines of appeal because in my advert; we are going to be interviewing a year seven student and ask them to tell about us about about their time at disneyland and also we are going to have a child dreaming bout going to disneyland and them to be wishing for their parents to take them.My advert will have the following factors of persuasion; Reward power and expert power. I will use these factors of persuasion because the product promises that all your childhood dreams will come true. Also we are going to use expert power because who else knows more about dreams and fantasy than a child. My advert will include a narrative. It will start with equilibrium when the parents take their to disneyland so then their childs dreams have been resolved.It will then move onto a disruption due to the parents taking their child to disneyland but the child not knowing where they were going. The advert will end with a resolution, when they arrive at disneyland and the child is happy because they realise their dreams have come true. The advert will have a closen ending, leaving the audience with the feeling that they need to take their child to disneyland by the advert saying "Make your childs dreams come true".The main characters in my advert is the year 7 student who gets interviewed. I have chosen to represent my characters in this way because it will show how much fun the year 7 had when they went to disneyland.The advert will have many sounds included to support the images, these include, the start of the advert is going to have the disney theme song. The effect that this sound will have on the audience is happy and joyful and will make disneyland seem like a very happy place . This is diegetic because the people in the advert won't be able to hear the music playing.

Story Board

Regulation and Control

What types of advertising do the ASA cover?

  • Misleading, inappropriate or offensive advertisments.
  • Difficulty getting goods or a refund for items bogut by mail order or through television shopping channels.
  • Promotions that are unfairly run or special offers that have left you dissapointed.
  • Unwanted mail from companies sent either by post, email, text message or fax.
  • Data capture and protection of privacy.

How does the ASA respond to complaints?

Each year, the uk public see many millions of ads, direct marketing and digital communications about products, services, charities, causes and awareness campaigns. The vast majority of these are responsible and comply with the existing advertising rules.

Give some examlpes of the codes for TV advertising;

  • Compliance
  • Programmes and advertising
  • Unacceptable products and services
  • Political and controversial issues
  • Misleading advertising
  • Harm and offence
  • Children
  • Religion, faith and systems of belief

The ASA stands for Advertising standards Authority. What they do is they lay down rules about advertising and they check every advert to make sure it is suitable for the people watching them and if they think that the advert is not suitable then they will not put it on the intervals. They also recieve complaints from viewers so they have to read them and they investegate the advert to see what the problem is and if they think it is not appropriate then they will take it off but they wont take it off if there is one complaint they will take it off if there is roughly 3-5 complaints against it.

Click HERE to read the codes.

The types of adverts they deal with are:

  • Magazine and newspapers
  • Radio and TV
  • Television shooping channels
  • Posters
  • Leaflets
  • Brochures
  • Cinema Commercials
  • Direct mail
  • Internet advertisments
  • Internet banner adverts
  • DVD

Here is one of the Adverts that got banned from Television.

This advert got banned because it is encouraging children to talk with their mouths full. This is one of the adverts that recieved the most complaints.

Marketing and Promotion

I am going to advertise my advert on digital television, Internet sites for example, Facebook, Msn because more people are signing up for these social networking sites, this way there will be more children and adults looking at the advertisement.I am also going to be advertising it on print, for example, Magazines i.e Top of the pops, or kiss. These magazines are children's magazines aged from a wide range from 6-11. I am also advertise my advert in the newspaper or adults magazines for example, The sun because there are men that read the newspaper aged 20-30 years of age and also in Hello and Take a break.


  • Radio
  • Print:
  • Magazines
  • Billboards(outdoor advertising)
  • Internet/Social Networking sites:
  • Facebook
  • MSN
  • T.V advertising:
  • 4 channels-Terrestrial
  • Hundreds of channels- Digital